Does Rhodiola Make You Sleepy

Does Rhodiola Make You Sleepy? Can You Take It Before Bed?

Lack of sleep is a common issue in modern life. It can lead to fatigue, lack of energy, and reduced motivation, thereby diminishing daily life quality. One natural solution that people are turning to address this issue is using Rhodiola. Rhodiola rosea is renowned for its potential health benefits, such as improving stress resilience and boosting energy levels. However, many people have wondered: "Does Rhodiola make you sleepy? Can you take it before bedtime?" This article will help answer these questions.

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Key Takeaways

  • Rhodiola helps reduce cortisol levels and stimulate ATP synthesis.
  • Rhodiola does not function like traditional sedatives or sleeping pills.
  • Some individuals may experience sleep disturbances or insomnia during the initial stages of Rhodiola use.
  • The recommended dosage of Rhodiola ranges from 200mg to 1500mg, depending on the intended purpose.

What Is Rhodiola - An Adaptogenic Herb For Stress And Energy?

Rhodiola is an adaptogen

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as Golden Root or Arctic Root, grows in high-altitude, cold regions. It is an adaptogenic herb containing many multifunctional health compounds, which is why it offers more benefits than typical herbs.

Rhodiola has been used in healthcare for a long time in the traditional medicine histories of Greece and China. Nowadays, many researchers have demonstrated its effects, such as reducing fatigue, stress, depression, and memory decline and improving mental health [1].

Researchers have found that Rhodiola can stimulate the body's stress response and regulate internal systems to combat the harmful effects of stress. Rhodiola helps reduce cortisol levels, which plays a crucial role in our body's response to stress.

High cortisol levels, if not addressed, can lead to various health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression, weakened immune system, and cardiovascular problems [2].

These issues are common causes of insomnia. By addressing these root causes, Rhodiola has become one of the solutions for treating insomnia as well as improving mental health.

Moreover, Rhodiola has been proven to increase energy levels in the body by enhancing the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy source for cells. This herb can activate ATP synthesis or regeneration, thereby improving the energy production capacity of cells, especially after intense physical activities [3].

Thanks to its stress-reducing and energy-boosting properties, Rhodiola has been widely applied in contemporary healthcare solutions.

Explore more: What are the Benefits of Rhodiola For Athlete's Performance?

Does Rhodiola Make You Sleepy?

To answer the question, 'Does Rhodiola make you sleepy?' The answer is no.
Rhodiola doesn't work like a sedative; it stimulates the body's stress response and improves energy levels.

It also differs from traditional sleep aid medications; it doesn't directly induce sleep. It is a therapeutic supplement that reduces stress and anxiety to help us relax and feel more comfortable, thus aiding us in falling asleep faster and achieving a deeper sleep.

Some people may even feel more energized and alert when using Rhodiola because of its ability to synthesize ATP.

I will delve deeper into the benefits of Rhodiola in the following section. However, here I want you to understand more about the difference between Rhodiola and traditional sedatives and sleep aids.

How Does Rhodiola Benefit For Sleep?

Enhanced Energy And Reduced Fatigue

Sleep, energy, and fatigue are closely interconnected. When the body has sufficient energy, you can function throughout the day with enthusiasm and vigor, and by evening, you'll find it easier to fall asleep. And when your fatigue is reduced and your mood is relaxed, you can sleep more deeply and easily.

As mentioned earlier, Rhodiola rosea is an herb known for its ability to boost energy. Its ability to synthesize ATP has been demonstrated, which is one of the key mechanisms by which Rhodiola can provide energy [3].

Another clinical trial showed significant changes in energy levels after participants used 400mg of Rhodiola daily. Results indicated notable energy improvements after just 8 weeks of Rhodiola use [4].

According to studies, Rhodiola not only helps increase energy but also aids in reducing fatigue, both physical and mental. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Rhodiola was shown to reduce fatigue, improve mental health, and decrease cortisol levels in patients suffering from burnout and chronic fatigue syndrome [5].

Notably, after 28 days of treatment, individuals in the Rhodiola group (576 mg Rhodiola extract per day) demonstrated significant improvements in fatigue-related parameters and mental focus compared to the placebo group.

Furthermore, Rhodiola helps enhance strength and endurance in physical activities, reducing fatigue after intense exercise or high-intensity workouts [6].

Explore more: Rhodiola Benefits for Male: Energy, Performance, and Wellbeing

Improved Sleep Quality In The Long Run

Rhodiola Rosea won't directly put you to sleep, but it can reduce stress and negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.

Using Rhodiola in the morning may help better manage stress, anxiety, and other mood disturbances. Consequently, you'll experience deeper and less interrupted sleep. A 2021 study has demonstrated Rhodiola's ability to combat insomnia [7].
In the long term, this adaptogenic herb may help improve overall sleep quality.

Factors Influencing Rhodiola's Effects On Sleep


Rhodiola dosage may vary depending on individual health conditions.

The general dosage is around 200mg per day, which can be taken as a single dose or split into two doses of 100mg each. [8].

For depression help, the dosage may range from 340 mg - 600 mg per day. [8] [9].

To improve mental health and reduce fatigue, you can take 100mg daily (split into two doses). Alternatively, you can take about 170mg per day if you find the 100mg dosage to be too low [8].

Individuals using Rhodiola Rosea have shown quicker and better responses in mental tests. This somewhat confirms that Rhodiola rosea can provide mental benefits such as enhanced focus and decision-making ability.

Studies have shown that high doses of Rhodiola can go up to 1500mg. [10].

Rhodiola dietary supplements typically have a dosage of around 1000 mg to ensure safety and provide comprehensive benefits.

Dosage plays a crucial role in how Rhodiola affects our bodies. When taken at high doses, especially high doses at night, it may pose a risk of disrupting sleep.

This is because Rhodiola has a mild stimulating effect and can excessively increase alertness and energy levels, which may interfere with each individual's natural sleep-wake cycle. Therefore, adjust the dosage and avoid taking Rhodiola before bedtime to minimize the risk of sleep disturbances.

Time Of Day

The best time to take Rhodiola is in the early morning to minimize the risk of sleep disturbances. Taking Rhodiola in the morning or early afternoon helps provide energy, minimize fatigue, and limit its impact on your sleep.

Evening is not recommended for taking Rhodiola. This is because it has a mild stimulating effect and can excessively increase alertness beyond what is necessary for the body in the evening [11].

Individual Sensitivity

Individual reactions to Rhodiola can vary significantly based on sensitivity. While some may feel excited or anxious [8], others may feel drowsy, and still others may feel energized, comfortable, and more relaxed.. This difference can be attributed to varying health conditions and lifestyle habits.

I want to EMPHASIZE that everyone's reaction may vary, so if you experience any unusual symptoms while using Rhodiola, seek medical advice immediately.

What Is The Best Way To Use Rhodiola For Sleep?

Rhodiola Capsules

Rhodiola Tinctures

Rhodiola Tea


Convenient, quick, and simple to use.

Easy to purchase and use.

Absorbs faster than capsules.

Quick absorption.

Natural and appealing for those who enjoy tea-making.

Can be homemade.


Some products may have a bitter taste.

Difficult to find and may have a distinctive taste.

May have a strong, distinctive aroma.

Suitable For

Those who want to use Rhodiola conveniently, quickly, and simply.

Those who want faster absorption than capsules.

Those who prefer a natural approach and enjoy making tea.

There are three main ways to use Rhodiola: capsules, tinctures, and tea. The best way to use Rhodiola for sleep will also depend on each individual. I'll summarize some characteristic points of each method to help you choose.

Here is a suggestion to mitigate the original taste of Rhodiola tea. To brew a cup of Rhodiola tea, soak dried Rhodiola root in boiling water for about 4-5 hours. After pouring it into a cup, you can add a little honey or peppermint to enhance the flavor. However, this can only reduce but not completely eliminate the taste of Rhodiola.

On the market, there are also Rhodiola tea blends combined with other ingredients such as Rhodiola with Coffee or Ashwagandha...If you enjoy savoring a cup of Rhodiola tea in the morning, try finding a flavor that suits you.

rhodiola tea

Side Effects Need To Consider When Taking Rhodiola For Sleep

Although considered a safe herb, Rhodiola Rosea can potentially cause side effects in some individuals. These side effects may include excessive stimulation, heightened stress, increased anxiety, palpitations, digestive disturbances, and insomnia. Additionally, although rare, allergic reactions may occur in some individuals.

Furthermore, Rhodiola Rosea may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners and antidepressants, and may cause changes in blood pressure.
Individuals with bipolar disorder should be cautious when using Rhodiola. There have been reports of a 58-year-old man using Rhodiola Rosea who exhibited symptoms of agitation and destructive behavior [12].

Overall, consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for individuals considering the use of Rhodiola rosea to minimize potential risks and ensure safe usage.

Other Adaptogens For Your Sleep

In addition to Rhodiola, other adaptogenic herbs can help with sleep, including:

  • Ginseng: Ginseng may lower cortisol levels and reduce blood sugar levels after meals in type 2 diabetes.
  • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha tends to lower elevated cortisol levels, reduce stress-induced dopamine levels, and may help individuals fall asleep faster. You also can combine Rhodiola and Ashwagandha together.

Apart from adaptogenic herbs, a study has demonstrated that the combination of magnesium, vitamins B6, B9, B12, Rhodiola, and green tea/L-theanine (Mg-Teadiola) also has stress-reducing effects in healthy individuals experiencing prolonged stress [13].


Can Rhodiola Help with Insomnia?

Yes. Rhodiola can help treat insomnia by reducing cortisol levels, thereby alleviating feelings of stress and anxiety and helping you relax mentally for easier sleep onset.

Can You Take Rhodiola Before Bed?

Taking Rhodiola before bed may make it difficult for you to fall asleep because Rhodiola has mild stimulating properties and enhances energy levels.

What Is the Best Time of Day to Take Rhodiola?

The best time to take Rhodiola may be in the morning or early afternoon to effectively experience its benefits of increased alertness and energy. You can function efficiently throughout the day, and in the evening, you'll sleep better.

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Taking Rhodiola?

The potential hidden side effects of taking Rhodiola may include insomnia, agitation, palpitations, and increased anxiety.

Is Rhodiola Better For Energy Than Caffeine?

Rhodiola can enhance energy levels and mental alertness without the risk of energy crashes like consuming caffeine. Rhodiola's ability to balance cortisol levels contributes to improved mood and emotional stability.

Does Rhodiola Make You Feel Tired?

Multiple studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola helps reduce feelings of fatigue. Moreover, Rhodiola is known for its energizing and alertness-enhancing effects on the body.


Rhodiola can provide mental and energy benefits without inducing drowsiness. However, it's advisable not to use Rhodiola before bedtime to avoid affecting sleep quality. If you're seeking a solution for your insomnia or sleep deprivation,  Rhodiola could be a worthwhile consideration.

Learn more: 15 Best Rhodiola Rosea Supplements 2024


  • [1] Gerbarg PL, Brown RP. Pause menopause with Rhodiola rosea, a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator. Phytomedicine. 2016;23(7):763-769. doi:
  • [2] Stress management and the role of Rhodiola rosea: a review. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. Published online 2018. doi:
  • [3] M. Abidov, F. Crendal, S. Grachev, R. Seifulla, Ziegenfuss T. Effect of Extracts from Rhodiola Rosea and Rhodiola Crenulata (Crassulaceae) Roots on ATP Content in Mitochondria of Skeletal Muscles. Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine. 2003;136(6):585-587. doi:
  • [4] Yevgeniya Lekomtseva, Zhukova I, Wacker A. Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial. Complementary medicine research. 2017;24(1):46-52. doi:
  • [5] Olsson E, Bo von Schéele, Panossian A. A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study of the Standardised Extract SHR-5 of the Roots ofRhodiola roseain the Treatment of Subjects with Stress-Related Fatigue. Planta medica. 2008;75(02):105-112. doi:
  • [6] Lu Y, Deng B, Xu L, Liu H, Song Y, Lin F. Effects of Rhodiola Rosea Supplementation on Exercise and Sport: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022;9. doi:
  • [7] Hao YF, Luo T, Lu ZY, Shen CY, Jiang JG. Targets and underlying mechanisms related to the sedative and hypnotic activities of saponins from Rhodiola rosea L. (crassulaceae). Food & function. 2021;12(21):10589-10601. doi:
  • ‌[8] | Veterans Affairs. Published 2016. Accessed May 31, 2024.
  • [9] Jówko E, Sadowski J, Długołęcka B, Dariusz Gierczuk, Benedykt Opaszowski, Igor Cieśliński. Effects of Rhodiola rosea supplementation on mental performance, physical capacity, and oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy men. Journal of sport and health science/Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2018;7(4):473-480. doi:
  • [10] Lu Y, Deng B, Xu L, Liu H, Song Y, Lin F. Effects of Rhodiola Rosea Supplementation on Exercise and Sport: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in nutrition. 2022;9. doi:
  • [11] Hao YF, Luo T, Lu ZY, Shen CY, Jiang JG. Targets and underlying mechanisms related to the sedative and hypnotic activities of saponins from Rhodiola rosea L. (crassulaceae). Food & function. 2021;12(21):10589-10601. doi:
  • [12] Rahat Whig, Leo RJ. Mania Associated With Rhodiola Rosea. Primary care companion to CNS disorders/˜The œprimary care companion for CNS disorders. 2022;24(2). doi:
  • [13] Noah L, Morel V, Bertin C, et al. Effect of a Combination of Magnesium, B Vitamins, Rhodiola, and Green Tea (L-Theanine) on Chronically Stressed Healthy Individuals—A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study. Nutrients. 2022;14(9):1863-1863. doi:


Ralph S Albert
Ralph S Albert
Ralph S. Albert is an esteemed professional with a remarkable career spanning over 15 years in the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of the food and nutrition industry. Currently, Ralph proudly serves as the Head of Research at Vinatura Supplements, a leading company in the dietary supplement industry. His work is characterized by a dedication to innovation, compliance, and the application of scientific research to create natural, yet practical solutions for consumers.
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