Can You Take Maca And Rhodiola Together

Can You Take Maca And Rhodiola Together?

The question, "Can you take Maca and Rhodiola together?" is of great interest. Both Maca and Rhodiola offer numerous health benefits. Many users have reported excellent results when using both supplements. But from a scientific perspective, is this combination advisable? Read on to find out.


Key Takeaways

  • You can combine Maca and Rhodiola.
  • Maca root and Rhodiola Rosea can enhance energy, improve mood, support reproductive health, and boost endurance when used together.
  • Maca is suitable for those needing comprehensive support for energy, mood, and physiological function.
  • Rhodiola is ideal for those needing to reduce stress, improve endurance and strength, and support memory and focus.

Can You Take Maca And Rhodiola Together?

you can take rhodiola and maca together

Yes, you can take Maca and Rhodiola together.

Maca and Rhodiola are adaptogens, so they can be combined to enhance each other's benefits.

While Rhodiola helps reduce stress and fatigue, Maca will help you boost energy and improve mental function.

To understand how these substances work, imagine your body as a company with various departments working together.

To increase productivity and get your body to work more efficiently, you must first ensure that all your departments are fully energized.

Adaptogens work similarly; one substance may not be sufficient, so combining multiple substances can provide comprehensive benefits for your body.

What Are The Benefits Of Maca Root And Rhodiola Rosea When Taken Together?

benefits of maca and rhodiola when taken together

Using Maca root and Rhodiola Rosea together provides significant benefits for your body.

Firstly, it provides an additional energy boost to help you function more effectively and productively.

Maca is known to enhance mental health, increase energy, and improve focus [1].

Additionally, Rhodiola can reduce fatigue and stress and enhance energy and endurance [2].

Combining these two supplements helps the body address issues like stress and fatigue, enhancing energy levels and alertness, thus improving overall quality of life.

Secondly, combining Maca and Rhodiola helps improve the user's mood.

Although human studies on Maca root are currently limited, its benefits in reducing anxiety and depression symptoms and improving mood, especially in postmenopausal women, are notable.

A study on 29 postmenopausal women found that they were able to improve depressive and anxiety symptoms after using Maca root [1].

Similarly, Rhodiola has been shown to help 45 adults (aged 18-85 years) with mild to moderate depression improve their condition. After the usage period, they reported feeling more at ease and showed reduced scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale [3].

Thirdly, it may be a surprise, but using Maca and Rhodiola together can support reproductive health.

Maca is used as a non-hormonal aphrodisiac. It helps increase sperm production in men and inhibits prostate enlargement [4].

Moreover, for women, Maca may improve libido and regulate menstrual cycles. In a trial with postmenopausal women, Maca improved their sexual function after six weeks [1].

Rhodiola may also help improve sexual health by restoring regular menstruation in women and improving erectile dysfunction in men [4].

When combined, Maca root and Rhodiola offer significant advantages for the body. However, if you prefer to use only one of these herbs, refer to the section below for a comparison of their differences.

Maca Root Vs Rhodiola Rosea: What's The Difference Between Them?

Although they have similar benefits, a closer comparison reveals that Maca root and Rhodiola have distinct characteristics suitable for different individuals and specific needs.


Maca (Lepidium meyenii)

Rhodiola Rosea


Andes Mountains in Peru

Mountainous regions of Central Asia, Eastern North America, and Europe


Root resembling a turnip, available in red, black, pink, or yellow varieties

Thick root, 5 to 35 cm tall

Main Benefits

- Brain protection, bone improvement, cognitive enhancement, energy boost

- Improved libido, sperm production, menstrual cycle regulation

- Reduced fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, increased energy

- Enhanced libido, menstrual regularity, reduced erectile dysfunction

Suitable for

Individuals needing comprehensive support for energy, mood, and sexual function

Those needing stress reduction, improved endurance, mental focus

The comparison table of Maca and Rhodiola Rosea

Which One Should You Choose: Maca Or Rhodiola Rosea?

Choosing between Maca and Rhodiola depends on many factors, the most important being your health condition.

Choose Maca if you:

  • Want to boost your energy and improve your mood.
  • Want to enhance sexual health and hormone balance, especially for women during perimenopause and menopause.
  • Want to improve cognitive function and brain health.
  • Want to support prostate health.

Choose Rhodiola Rosea if you:

  • Need to reduce stress, anxiety, fatigue, and mild depression.
  • Want to support general endocrine function, particularly for men with erectile dysfunction.
  • Want to improve your memory and focus.
  • Want to enhance your cognitive function and brain health.

However, everyone's body condition varies, so the advice of healthcare professionals and your doctor remains most important. Personalized medical advice is essential to choose the appropriate supplement for you.

How To Take Rhodiola And Maca Together?

To safely take Rhodiola and Maca together, consider the following:


  • The safe dosage ranges from 1500 to 3000 mg daily [5].
  • Take it in the morning or early afternoon to avoid disrupting sleep.
  • Take it on an empty stomach, preferably 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • If using maca powder, you can add it to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, baked goods, and other foods.


  • The study about safe dosage of Rhodiola ranges from 340 to 1500 mg [6], [7]. When choosing a Rhodiola product, opt for standardized products containing around 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside.
  • It's best taken in the afternoon or evening.
  • Taking it on an empty stomach enhanced Rhodiola's benefits [8].
  • Rhodiola can be added to yogurt, smoothies, juices, baked goods, tea, chia pudding, and other foods to enhance flavor.

Precaution When Combining Rhodiola And Maca

When using Rhodiola and Maca, pay close attention to your body's reactions.

Monitor yourself for any adverse reactions such as headaches, nausea, or feelings of dizziness or anxiety. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's crucial to stop your regimen and consult a doctor immediately.

Make sure you do not exceed the recommended dosage of each supplement.

Using the correct dosage is crucial to ensure you get the most effective results from Maca and Rhodiola.

You can start with a lower dosage of Maca and rhodiola to allow your body to gradually adjust to these substances. Then, gradually increase the dosage if there are positive signs during the usage.


So, the article answers the question: Can you take Maca and Rhodiola together

Combining Maca and Rhodiola can bring many health benefits, from reducing anxiety, fatigue, and stress to enhancing energy, supporting sexual health, and providing comprehensive health care.

However, always monitor your body's reactions when using Maca and Rhodiola together to ensure you take care of your health as best as possible.


[1] Fortier, C. Maca Root: High Energy, Better Moods And Many Other Health Benefits. Fullscript. Published December 28, 2020. Accessed June 4, 2024.
[2] Lamadrid P, Williams DK, Kilpatrick MW, Bickford PC, Sanberg C. The Impact of Dietary Supplement NT-020 with Rhodiola Rosea on Energy, Fatigue, and Perceived Exertion. Functional foods in health and disease/Journal of functional foods in health & disease. 2019;9(11):706-706. doi:
[3] A preliminary assessment of a combination of rhodiola and saffron in the management of mild–moderate depression. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. Published online 2018. doi:
[4] Jain N. Study of Herbal Drugs for the treatment of Sexual Dysfunction. ResearchGate. Published 2019. Accessed June 4, 2024.
[5] Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Vega K, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) on sexual desire and its absent relationship with serum testosterone levels in adult healthy men. Andrologia. 2002;34(6):367-372. doi:
[6] Mao JJ, Xie SX, Zee J, et al. Rhodiola rosea versus sertraline for major depressive disorder: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 2015;22(3):394-399. doi:
[7] Williams TD, Langley HN, Roberson CC, Rogers RR, Ballmann CG. Effects of Short-Term Golden Root Extract (Rhodiola rosea) Supplementation on Resistance Exercise Performance. International journal of environmental research and public health/International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021;18(13):6953-6953. doi:
‌‌[8] Mental Health America. Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health.; 2016.
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Ralph S. Albert, with over 10 years of expertise in nutrition and research, now heads the Research division at Vinatura Supplements. His dedication and extensive knowledge ensure top-quality articles on nutrition and health, collaborating with a skilled team. He has successfully completed The VINATURA Expertise Research Training Program, underscoring his commitment to Vinatura's mission. Ralph has also published numerous articles and conducted valuable research in the field, making him a trusted resource for individuals on their wellness journey.

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