what does shilajit taste like

What Does Shilajit Taste Like? How To Reduce Shilajit Favor?

Shilajit, known as "the destroyer of weakness" in Sanskrit, is a popular Ayurvedic supplement derived from high-altitude rocks in the Himalayas. It contains over 85 minerals and trace elements that benefit our health. Many people hesitate to use it due to its appearance and taste. So, what does Shilajit taste like? This article will describe its taste and provide tips to minimize the flavor, allowing you to use it with peace of mind.


What Does Shilajit Taste Like?

Shilajit has a unique and robust taste that is difficult to describe. Some people find it bitter, while others find it earthy or metallic. It can also have a slightly smoky or burnt flavor. The taste can be off-putting for some, but the benefits of Shilajit make it worth trying.

The taste of Shilajit can also vary depending on the source and processing method. Authentic Shilajit sourced from the Himalayas tends to taste more pungent than other sources. How it is collected, purified, and processed can affect its flavor.

Authentic Shilajit

Many people know Shilajit by its dark, tar-like appearance, but in reality, there are various forms of Shilajit, each with its unique taste, although there are similarities.

Eugene Wilson and colleagues, in their review on Shilajit used in traditional Indian medicine, mention that Shilajit comes in two distinct types: one is a semi-solid resin, dark brown to black, sticky, with a characteristic pine scent and a bitter taste. This type is called Gomuthira shilajit.

The other type is white, with a camphor-like scent, known as Karpura shilajit (According to the research by (Thiyagarajan & Sunderrajan, 1992; Saleem et al., 2006; Agarwal et al., 2007).

Within the category of Gomuthira shilajit, there are further classifications: gold Shilajit, silver shilajit, copper shilajit, and iron shilajit. Currently, the market's most commonly used type for health enhancement is the black-colored variety known as Shilajit iron.

The black resinous Shilajit has a bitter taste; some people claim it has an odor reminiscent of cow urine. The remaining types also offer numerous health benefits but are relatively rare in the market.

Generally, the answer to “What does shilajit resin taste like?” can vary based on individual perception. Some find it unremarkable, others describe it as bitter but not unpleasant, while some find it pungent and challenging to consume.

So, what causes this peculiar taste of Shilajit? Before delving into guidelines on improving the taste of Shilajit and proper usage, we will analyze the factors contributing to its distinctive flavor.

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What Causes Shilajit Taste and Smell?

Several factors determine the taste and smell of Shilajit. The most dominant factor is its mineral composition, especially fulvic acid. Fulvic acid has a slightly acidic taste that contributes to Shilajit's bitterness.

The soil and vegetation where Shilajit is found also play a role in determining its flavor. Since authentic Shilajit is sourced from the Himalayas, it contains minerals from the surrounding mountains and plants.

Lastly, processing methods can also affect Shilajit's taste. Some manufacturers may add preservatives or use low-quality Shilajit to increase profits, resulting in a less potent and unpleasant flavor.

How To Reduce the Flavor of Shilajit?

Shilajit capsules are suitable for people who do not like Shilaji taste

While some people may find the taste of Shilajit tolerable, there are ways to minimize its flavor for those who do not prefer it. Here are some tips to help reduce the strong taste and smell of Shilajit:

  • Mix with honey: Honey is known for its sweet taste, making it an excellent option to mask the bitterness of Shilajit. Mix a small amount of Shilajit with honey to create and consume a paste.
  • Take it with juice: Similar to honey, the sweetness of fruit juices can also help mask the taste of Shilajit. You can mix it with your favorite juice or take a sip of juice immediately after consuming Shilajit.
  • Add ginger or lemon: Ginger and lemon have intense flavors that can help cut through the bitter taste of Shilajit. You can either mix them with Shilajit or consume them separately.
  • Mix with warm milk: Warm milk can help soften the bitter taste of Shilajit and make it easier to consume.
  • Consume it in capsules: If you cannot tolerate the taste of Shilajit, consider taking it in capsules. While this may not be as effective as the resin, it can be a more convenient option.

How To Identify the Real Shilajit Through Its Taste And Smell?

When purchasing Shilajit, ensuring its authenticity for maximum health benefits is essential. Here are some tips to help you identify authentic Shilajit through its taste and smell:

  • Authentic Shilajit should have a bitter taste with a hint of sweetness.
  • It may have an earthy or metallic scent.
  • The color should be dark brown or black and have a tar-like consistency.
  • Authentic Shilajit will dissolve quickly in warm water or milk.

If you encounter Shilajit that does not meet these characteristics, it is likely fake or low-quality.

Explore more: Shilajit Benefits for Women and Side Effects to Be Aware Of


Shilajit has a unique and robust taste that can be challenging to consume for some people. However, getting the answer to "What does Shilajit taste like?" and implementing tips to reduce its taste can help make it more palatable. With its numerous health benefits, Shilajit is worth trying despite its distinct taste. Always purchase from trusted sources and look for authentic Shilajit characteristics when purchasing.


Does Shilajit Taste Like Ink?

While some people may like the taste of Shilajit to ink due to its mineral-rich composition, this comparison could be more accurate. Shilajit has a unique, somewhat bitter taste with a hint of sweetness. The source and processing methods can also influence the flavor.

Does Shilajit Taste Like Coal?

While Shilajit has a distinct, intense flavor, it does not taste like coal. The taste is often described as bitter with a slight sweetness due to its mineral composition.

What Does Shilajit Look Like?

Shilajit appears as a sticky substance with a black or dark brown color. It has a glossy surface and a tar-like consistency. When touched, it should be slightly elastic and sticky.

Does Shilajit Smell Like Manure?

Shilajit does not smell like manure. It typically has an earthy scent due to its origin from the rocky mountains. Some individuals might also detect a slightly metallic aroma owing to its rich mineral content.

Does Shilajit Smell Like Cow Urine?

While some individuals may describe the smell of Shilajit as akin to cow urine due to its earthy, pungent aroma, the smell can vary based on personal perception and the Shilajit's specific source and processing method. Authentic Shilajit typically emits a unique aroma that is more earthy and less unpleasant.


[1] Wilson, E., Rajamanickam, G. V., Dubey, G., Klose, P., Musial, F., Felix Joyonto Saha, Rampp, T., Michalsen, A., & Dobos, G. (2011). Review on shilajit used in traditional Indian medicine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 136(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2011.04.033
[2] Prem, S., & Pandey. (2019). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 59(1), 140–143. https://www.afdil.com/userfiles/shilajit-a-wonder-drug-in-ayurveda.pdf
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Ralph S. Albert, with over 10 years of expertise in nutrition and research, now heads the Research division at Vinatura Supplements. His dedication and extensive knowledge ensure top-quality articles on nutrition and health, collaborating with a skilled team. He has successfully completed The VINATURA Expertise Research Training Program, underscoring his commitment to Vinatura's mission. Ralph has also published numerous articles and conducted valuable research in the field, making him a trusted resource for individuals on their wellness journey.

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